The workshop celebrates the contributions of Edward C Waymire to probability, stochastic processes and applied mathematics.

Random trees and related simple networks (e.g., directed acyclic graphs) form an intriguing branch of mathematical research in the overlap among Probability, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics, with recognized applications in Biology, Geosciences, Statistical Physics, and beyond. The workshop focuses on probabilistic and combinatorial structure of trees, related self-similarity concepts, tree representation of stochastic processes (time series, coalescent, branching) and dynamical systems (including Burgers and Navier-Stokes equations), and transport along tree graphs. The program covers both educational and research components, to attract an interdisciplinary mixture of experts, young researchers, and students for a week of focused discussions,  exchanging ideas, and sparking new collaborations.

Theme 1: Tree representation of stochastic processes and dynamical systems
Theme 2: Transport on trees and related networks
Theme 3: Biology – Phylogenetic Trees and Beyond

Educational and research lectures (by invitation only) and poster presentations. Each thematic block will be concluded with a round table, facilitated by one of the lecturers, which will help to summarize the material and draw conclusions. The workshop will provide an ample opportunity for interaction and informal discussions.


Yevgeniy Kovchegov 
Dept. of Mathematics, Oregon State University, USA

Ilya Zaliapin 
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Victor Pérez-Abreu
CIMAT, Mexico

Conference support
Rosy Dávalos, CIMAT, Mexico